王彦蓉(Freda Yanrong Wang),华中科技大学社会学院副教授,博士生导师。现任社会学院留学生教育中心主任,社会工作系副主任,社会工作研究中心副主任,应用社会经济研究中心执行主任;兼任中国优生优育协会儿童早期照护服务专委会委员,中国妇幼保健协会全生命周期健康管理专委会儿童健康管理学组委员,湖北省人口出生与妇幼健康专业委员会委员。
2013年 获得香港科技大学哲学硕士学位;
1. 2024.《中国社会职业结构变迁研究》北京:人民出版社.ISBN:978-7-01-026546-9(第一作者)
2. 2024.年龄与发展进程问卷(ASQ)系统在中国社会调查中的适用性[J].当代青年研究:390(3): 50-63.(第一作者)
3. 2024.《中国现代家庭教育研究与实践》武汉:华中科技大学出版社.ISBN:978-7-5772-0865-7(第一作者)
4. 2024.《肿瘤患者心理和社工干预指南》武汉:华中科技大学出版社.ISBN:978-7-5772-0880-0(副主编)
5. 2024.《社会助力多元化协同教育的探索性研究》武汉:华中科技大学出版社.ISBN:978-7-5772-0999-9(第一作者)
6. 2024《中国家庭教育与儿童发展蓝皮书(2023)》上海:上海社会科学院出版社.ISBN:978-7-5520-4328-0(编委)
7. 2023.Effect of fictive kinship interactions on the physical health and psychological well-being of older adults: A randomized controlled trial of shared site intergenerational programs in China.Journal of Intergenerational Relationships,22:3,403-422.doi:10.1080/15350770.2023.2225504.(独立作者)
8. 2023.共建共享理念下肿瘤医院“五社联动”模式探索[J].中国肿瘤: 32(1): 59-65.(通讯作者)
9. 2023.湖北省医务社会工作试点及成效分析[J].中国医院管理:43(1):25-29.
10. 2023.《医务社会工作实务与管理》.武汉:华中科技大学出版社.ISBN:978-7-5680-9202-9(副主编)
11. 2022.老幼结伴式代际互动对机构老年人心理健康的影响[J].社会建设: 9(04), 45-59+71.(通讯作者)
12. 2022.《社会服务的思想理论》,丁建定主编《社会服务导论》.武汉:华中科技大学出版社. 37-70页.ISBN:978-7-5680-8466-6(编委)
13. 2022. “The Moderating Effect of Parent-child Relationship on Children’s Mental Health during COVID-19 Quarantine”.Chinese Sociological Review.54:1, 88-105,doi:10.1080/21620555.2021.2004377(独立作者)
14. 2022. “Causal Inference Between the Health Status and Living Arrangements of Elderly People in China”.Social Indicators Research.159:3, 1155-1178,doi:10.1007/s11205-021-02792-7(独立作者)
15. 2021.“五社联动”助推基层治理体系和治理能力现代化[J].中国民政, (17):37-40.doi:10.3969/j.issn.1002-4441.2021.17.015.(项目组成员)
16. 2021.《老幼同养的本土化实践》.北京:社会科学文献出版社.ISBN: 978-7-5201-9097-8(第一作者)
17. 2021.《多层结构方程模型》(译).布鲁诺·卡斯塔尼奥·席尔瓦,康斯坦丁·曼努埃尔·博桑查努,列文特·利特沃伊著.上海:格致出版社.ISBN:978-7-5432-3283-9(第一译者)
18. 2019.《多元方法社会科学-定性和定量工具的结合》(译).杰森·西赖特著.上海:格致出版社ISBN:978-7-5432-3089-7(第一译者)
19. 2017.“From ‘Reds’ to Riches: Contemporary Changes of Educational Assortative Mating in China”.Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 50: 40-49.doi:10.1016/j.rssm.2017.06.001(第一作者)
20. 2016.《对数线性模型的关联图和多重图》(译).哈米斯·哈利著.上海:格致出版社.ISBN:978-7-5432-2674-6(独立译者)
21. 2015.《广义线性模型—一种统一的方法》(译).吉尔·杰夫著.上海:格致出版社.ISBN: 978-7-5432-2450-6(独立译者)
1. Freda Yanrong WANG& Yujia Hou. “Parental Migration Status on Children’s Problem-Solving Competence in Hong Kong: An Analysis Using Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling.” (R & R)
2. Haiyu Wang & Freda Yanrong Wang.“Efficacy of Peer Support Interventions for Chinese Older Shidu Parents: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.”(Under Review)
3. Haiyu Wang & Freda Yanrong Wang.“Improving Social–Emotional Competence in Preschool Children in China: A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Shared-Site Intergenerational Program”. (Under Review)
4. Freda Yanrong WANG, WU Xiaogang and WANG Haiyu. “To insource or to outsource?Parentingand early childhood development in Hong Kong”. (Under Review)
5. Freda Yanrong WANG“Prenatal Sex Selection in Contemporary China? Sex Differences in the First/Only Birth Interval under the One Child Policy”. (Under Review)
6. Freda Yanrong WANG, Raymond Wong& Yujia Hou.“The Relevance and Significance of Indigenous Socioeconomic Index (SEI) in Social Inequality: The Case of China”. (Under Review)
7. Man-yee Kan,Freda Yanrong Wang,Muzhi Zhou & Yujia Hou. “ Age, Period, and Cohort Effects on the Gender Division of Paid Work and Unpaid Work in 10 countries” (Manuscript in preparation)
8. Freda Yanrong WANG, Yujia Hou & Nuo Chen. “Experimental Design of Process Management on Recruitment Promotion in Respondent Driven Sampling in China” (Manuscript in preparation)
9. Freda Yanrong Wang, Haiyu Wang Junran Liao, Yuanmeng Li, Rabia Mahmood, Huma Zille, Waqas Ahmad, Rao Suleman & Atkah Tanveer. “A comprehensive meta-analysis of Triple P-Positive Parenting Program”(Manuscript in preparation)
2024. “Parentingand early childhood development in Hong Kong”, Paper presented at Annual Conference of Association for Asian Studies, July 2024.
2024. “The Construction of Indigenous Socioeconomic Index in Contemporary China”Paper presented at ISA Research Committee 28 Meeting, May 2024.
2022. “The Chinese Socio-economic Index Construction”Paper presented at the Annual Conference of China Sociology Association, August 2022.
2021. “To insource or to outsource?Parentingand early childhood development in Hong Kong”, Paper presented atthe 4th International Chinese Sociological Association (ICSA) Annual Conference, Nov 2021.
2021. “Parenting self-efficacy and early child development in Hong Kong”,Paper presented atthe 4th International Chinese Sociological Association (ICSA) Annual Conference, Nov 2021.
2019. “The impact of Foreign Domestic Helper on the Development of Children under 3 years old in Hong Kong”, Paper presented at the Annual Conference of China Population Association, July 2019.
2019. “Prenatal Sex Selection in Contemporary China”, Paper presented at the Annual Conference ofInternational Sociological Association (ISA) Research Committee 28 Meeting, March 2019.
2018. “Getting Married with Shackles on: Marriage Market Segregation in Contemporary China”, Paper presented at the Annual Conference ofInternational Sociological Association (ISA) Research Committee 28 Meeting, May 2018.
2017. “Social Stratification in China since 1949.” Paper presented atthe Annual Conference ofInternational Sociological Association (ISA)Research Committee 28, August 2017.
2016. “The impact of China’s One-child Policy on the Timing of First Births.” Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Population Association of America, March 2016.
2016. “The Casual Inference between Living Arrangements and Health Status of the Elderly in China from 2002 to 2011.” Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Population Association of America, March 2016.
2015. “Intermarriage and the Socioeconomic Consequences: Evidence from Mainland Immigrant Inflow in Hong Kong" Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Population Association of America, April 2015.
2013.“Is there Intermarriage Premium for Mainlanders in Hong Kong Labor Market?” Paper presented at the 15th Annual Conference of the Hong Kong Sociological Association, December 2013.
2013.“You Are Where You Are: Impacts of Nationality and Community on One’s Privacy Settings in Facebook” Paper presented at International Network for Social Network Analysis Conference, July 2013.
2013. “The Effects of Mass Movements and Economic Reform on Educational Homogamy in China from 1949 to 2000” Paper presented at ISA Research Committee 28 Meeting, May 2013.
2012. “Temporal Trends of Educational Assortative Marriage in People’s Republic of China before 2000.” Paper presented at the 14th Annual Conference of the Hong Kong Sociological Association, December 2012.
2012. “Educational Assortative Marriage in China from 1950 to 1990.” Paper presented at North American Chinese Sociologist Association 2012 Conference, August 2012.
5. Triple-P (积极教养项目)国际培训师资质
6. ASQ-3年龄与发育进程系统测评资质
7. ASQ-SE年龄与发育进程(社交-情绪)系统测评资质